
Complicating this threat are disparities by gender, ethnicity, and geographical location, 这些问题必须通过以社区为基础的暴力预防和干预努力来解决, according to researchers in BCSSW’s Racism-Based Violence Injury & Prevention Lab.

Robert Motley, Jr.

Robert Motley, Jr. (Photo by Caitlin Cunningham)

“Without such efforts, 由于过早死亡或使人衰弱的精神疾病,我们将失去几代未来的领导者和社会贡献者,” the co-authors write.

Produced using publicly available data, “21世纪对马萨诸塞州新生成人人身安全威胁的观察是第一份关于人际暴力和自我导向暴力(如杀人)流行程度的综合报告, suicide, drug abuse, police-involved incidents, and self-injury—among the state’s emerging-adult population, said Assistant Professor Robert Motley Jr. , the lab’s director and principal investigator for the study.

“它不仅揭示了马萨诸塞州新成人所经历的暴力,而且为社区精神和行为健康组织以及政策领导人提供了暴力最突出的场所。,” he added. “这些调查结果应该为针对这些地理区域的政策和预防/干预方法提供信息,以减少暴力的流行以及暴力对居住在这些特定地点的新成人的健康和福祉的有害影响.”

Lab members who co-authored the study with Motley were Rebekah Siddiqi, Awanti Acharya, Eric Williamson, Danielle T. Walker, and Kaycee L. Bills.

暴力对马萨诸塞州新成年的影响反映了许多全国趋势, RB-VIP的电子游戏正规平台指出:其中一项发现是,在同一群体中,新兴成年男性的杀人率要比女性高得多, 与其他种族的同龄人相比,黑人新生成人的凶杀率更高. 该报告还发现,在马萨诸塞州,警察接触黑人和警察使用致命和非致命武力的比例不成比例, while white emerging adults account for most suicides in Massachusetts.

RB-VIP小组指出,这些暴力事件在整个州发生的频率并不相同. For example, 2015-2019年期间,萨福克县和汉普登县的新兴成年人凶杀率最高(约为40人).58 to 88.58 per 100,000), compared to Hampshire, Middlesex, and Norfolk (0.01 to 10.62). 巴恩斯特布尔县的新生儿自杀率最高(70.46 to 133.96 per 100,000) during 2010-2014 and 2015-2019; Plymouth County showed a persistent rate of 56.8 to 70.4 suicides per 100,000 emerging adults during both periods, while Middlesex, Suffolk, and Norfolk saw a rate of 0.01 to 45.10.

Plymouth, Barnstable, 布里斯托尔县因非致命药物过量而到急诊室就诊的比例也最高,507 to 3,755 per 100,000—among emerging adults from 2016-2019.

其目的是向社区和学院/大学精神和行为健康组织的领导人展示这些发现, policy, 以及执法机构在人际暴力和自我导向暴力发生率最高的地方, 为了加强对话和战略规划,以解决我们所记录的问题.”
School of social work assistant professor robert motley, jr., principal investigator of RB-VIP Lab


作为他们对涉及警察的致命和非致命事件的调查的一部分, 电子游戏正规平台人员利用地理信息系统技术制作了一幅可视化地图,显示了波士顿各社区警察非致命接触的发生率. Data on the map revealed that Beacon Hill, Longwood, Mission Hill, 罗克斯伯里和多切斯特的部分地区与布莱克的警方联系最多, white, and Hispanic emerging adults. In Boston overall, Black emerging adults accounted for 80.7 percent of 36,2015-2019年期间,359人报告了涉及使用非致命武力的警方接触, compared to white (17.2) and Hispanic (2.1). More men (92 percent) than women reported experiencing a police contact.

因此,莫特利说,实验室计划在可能产生最大影响的地方分享这份报告. 其目的是向社区和学院/大学精神和行为健康组织的领导人展示这些发现, policy, 以及执法机构在人际暴力和自我导向暴力发生率最高的地方, 为了加强对话和战略规划,以解决我们所记录的问题.”

新兴成年期是一个相对较新的发展阶段,被心理学电子游戏正规平台人员和实践者用作参考工具, social work, and related fields. It was proposed by psychologist Jeffrey Jensen Arnett in 2004, 基于他在上世纪90年代末对18至29岁年轻人的一系列采访, 反映了20世纪60年代和70年代发生的重大社会变化, including technology advancements and expanded roles for women.  The term describes a period marked by instability, the transition from adolescence, identity exploration, and perceived possibilities in the areas of love, education, and work. Emerging adults, according to experts, take more time to complete their education, enter into marriage and parenthood later, and undergo a longer transition to stable work.

As the BCSSW researchers note, 对于那些自认为是男性和/或少数民族的人来说,这个阶段可能特别不稳定, 由于有记录的暴力暴露(人际和自我导向的)发生率增加,对这一人口的人身安全构成严重威胁.

“初成期是健康稳定地过渡到成年期的必经之路,” said Motley. “However, factors such as exposure to violence, and mental and behavioral issues, as well as the lack of support and opportunity, can be barriers to a successful transition.”

尽管一线组织努力解决一切形式的暴力及其对新生成人健康和福祉的影响, Motley said, “我们需要评估我们的系统,以确保我们能够更好地服务和保护我们新兴成年人口的人身安全,并愿意在我们缺乏的领域投入足够的资源. It is imperative that we develop and implement targeted policies, practices, 以及促进新生成人健康发展和整体人身安全的服务.”

For more about the Racism-based Violence Injury & Prevention Lab, visit  its website or follow the lab on Twitter: @RBVIP_lab.


Sean Smith | University Communications | July 2022